
Cheeks are the foundation of the face. They keep everything (AND WE MEAN EVERYTHING) lifted. As the cheeks begin to lose volume with age, everything else goes with it.

Keeping the cheeks lifted will prevent further wrinkles, aging and help prevent/soften nasolabial folds and prevent jowls.

we can also contour our cheeks to help achieve a more lifted and slimming effect on our face.



This is our girl dani & these pictures were from waayy before she worked at Sweet Tox. Here, we did 1 syringe to each cheek and a syringe to her lips.

We love this result because it’s so subtle, but it really left her looking softer and it curved her face in the perfect places.



This is a really good example of understanding facial proportions and balances. Many times I have clients with a ‘slimming’ look as their end goal— and for most of you that can be appropriate. However, as a sculptor of the face, it’s important to understand the proportions of the face and how they balance our features appropriately for specific patients.

When filler is placed correctly, it will harmonize your face.

For this beauty, we have been adding a syringe or two here and there to balance her face, and this is our result almost a year and three treatments later. We have used tox and filler to brighten her up and give her that beautiful proportion and harmony.

Areas treated: cheeks, lips, oral commissures, smile lines, chin and temples.



In this result, we did 1.5 syringes to each cheek. Our goal was to give more contour to her face to slim and snatch.


More Cheeks